Monday, February 16, 2009

Why is her right boob so big?

When you go to school overseas you have to take a class everyday called "Host Nation". Primarily a language class, you also learn about the culture, food, art... I completely cheated my way through host nation. When people learn that I spent 4 years in Spain I often hear:

"oh, do you speak Spanish?"

I often reply:

" No I cheated my way through that class"

My friend Gabby spoke fluent Spanish and so I parked it right next to her on test day.

The one and only thing I remember from Host Nation is why the great masters of art painted nudes.

Why you ask? That I can tell you, how to conjugate a verb, not so much.

When an artist is drawing or painting an image of a tree, flower, or even someone with their clothes on, they can make little changes if need be. If you can't get the fold in the shirt just right, don't put in in.....can't get the leaf on the flower to lie correctly, change the position.

When paining a nude, if you can't get the penis just right, you can't very well just leave it off. What if one boob is larger than the other? Can't leave that, can you?

No to both.

I also remember learning about this painting. The story goes that the guy who commissioned it wanted one nude and one clothed. One for when his wife was around and one for when he was alone....... interesting thing to teach a 6th grader.

Apparently these "nude fun facts" made an impression on me however, because there folks represents 4 years of Spanish culture and language classes.

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